Interactive Essay in English


Kids have various subjects in their curriculum that they study to improve their knowledge and choose their area of interest for their future careers. Every subject has its own importance; among them, English is the most interactive subject. Since their childhood, English has been taught in the form of stories and short scripts. This way, children can learn the subject easily, and in turn, it helps them to improve their communication skills.

English is mainly taught to improve their reading and writing skills as these are mainly required in their further career path. Teachers should focus on teaching the English subject in an interesting way and should make children write small essay in English by giving them simple topics. Children should be given to write small paragraphs based on their daily activities and things that happen around them. This helps them to relate things easily and builds confidence in writing. English language also teaches good ethics in life by making communication easy with others. Good ethics include being honest with others, being humble with everyone at all times, etc.

Importance of English Language

English is not just a curriculum language but also a means of communication. It helps children move around the world and be accustomed to different situations. The English language also helps children understand the real values of life and how they should adhere to them throughout their life. Kids, during their childhood, are inquisitive and enthusiastic about learning. This aspect should be noticed by parents, and they should make children understand the importance of good ethics in life.

Language learning in the current time period has become a necessity as people around the world are looking for those who have efficient English speaking ability. Universities are also conducting English exams on a higher level to understand the student’s ability in communicating in English. Hence, it is important for students to understand the English language and practise both speaking and writing at the same time.

Teaching Students about Good Ethics

Among the various moral values, one should follow the most important one—honesty. Every person should be honest to themselves and others in society. Parents should teach the proverb Honesty is the best policy. Children should be taught about the importance of being honest and how it affects their whole life. Kids, in their growing age, tend to lie to their parents for the fear of being punished. In this case, parents should assure them about being honest with them. Parents should nurture their children and build a relationship with them so that they do not fear being honest.

Parents should inculcate habits like rewarding their kids for being honest and explaining to them calmly about the mistakes their kids have made and how they can be avoided in future. Teachers should also motivate their students about the benefits of being honest. They should explain to the students by providing some real-life examples and showcasing them to children. Teachers can also show some pictures of successful people to children and imbibe good ethical values in children. This way, kids move ahead in a positive direction.


It is the responsibility of both parents and teachers to teach good moral values to children as it lays the foundation for children’s bright future. Children can move ahead in life with confidence and the zeal to work hard in any situation. Learning the English language helps children to communicate effectively wherever they go around the world.